3 Updates on Phase 1 of Game of Zones: the Scoreboard, Hub Capacity Issues, and Judging Criteria

It’s official! Phase 1 of Game of Zones has begun, and the GoZ Dashboard is available to all. Here are a few of the latest updates competition, scoring, technical issues, and judging criteria. 

The Competition Scoreboard

The GoZ Scoreboard has finally arrived! This tool, which relies on Sagan and the Relayer for visibility into participant performance, will be an important source of truth throughout Game of Zones. While the dashboard is integral for judging the first two phases of the competition, it is important to note that the data and metrics being displayed are not ranked by performance. 

The Scoreboard data represents events that we are using to analyze performance— i.e. which team is relaying packets — and it primarily runs on the addresses shared with the GoZ Team during registration. In some cases, chain_ID and RPC endpoint data are visible but they are not linked to a team. If your team name is not associated with your performance metrics, please send us an email at gameofzones@cosmosnetwork.dev and we’ll update your information as quickly as we are able. Additionally, we are working to provide observability for teams with multiple connections to the hub.

Throughout the competition, we will be releasing several scoring dashboards to represent the events we’re using to analyze participation. Follow us on Twitter or check out our Github repos to get access to new dashboards as they are released.

GoZ Hub Capacity 

Overnight, several capacity issues impacted the GoZ Hub.  

  • The Tendermint mempool almost reached full capacity, and transaction time on the networker is higher than expected as a result.
  • Sentry node congestion has made it difficult for teams to connect to the hub.  
  • Relayer error messages are leading to misdiagnosis of issues. 

In response to these issues, the GoZ and Iqlusion Teams have used the toolset built into the distributed network to alleviate some the congestion we anticipated during contingency planning. So far, we have:

  • Tripled the number of sentry nodes supporting the Hub, 
  • Increased transaction fees to make it less practical to spam the network,
  • Noted issues with error messages coming from the Relayer, which will inform the gradual process of improving the information provided when errors arise. 

Phase 1 Judging Criteria 

One of the main goals of Game of Zones is to stress test multiple components of the IBC Network and the software that it runs on.  To honor the spirit of the rewards of the competition, the GoZ team has committed to adjusting the scoring criteria when necessary to correct for technical issues that arise on the hub. In terms of performance, however, it is important to note that anticipating network issues and having a plan to respond and adjust your team’s performance is critical to your success in the Game of Zones challenge. 

Since our initial efforts to launch the hub began last week, the teams participating in Game of Zones have done incredible work setting up notes and helping one another with technical details about the Relayer and IBC Module in our community channels. It has been incredible to see the community rise to the challenge of preparing the IBC Module for launch. In light of these contributions, we will be updating the GoZ Liveness Reward criteria to be as inclusive as possible in assessing competition contributions and performance, and we will provide an update on the specifics of the judging criteria for this reward as soon as we can.

To learn more about the technical details of Phase 1 and ask any questions you have about the competition, join us for our Phase 1 Livestream on Friday at 12pm PST / 7pm UTC on Twitch!